What We Do
We offer a variety of opportunities to promote conservation and empower the indigenous Papuan people:
Our training programs are built on English language instruction, but focus on topics and skills that are important in interacting with and providing services to ecotourists and biologists, such as:
times and dates
directions and locations
forest plants and animals
foods and cooking
English language/ecotourism training program, Deer Village, Kofiau Island, Raja Ampat Regency
Community Organization and Awareness Workshops
An important part of community empowerment is helping local communities understand and manage the opportunities and the challenges presented by opening their communities to ecotourism. We sponsor programs specifically designed to help local Papuan communities go through this process of self-discovery and self-assessment.
Community Self-Assessment Workshop Participant, Syoubrig Village
Local Sponsorships
Reaching out to and educating children is the key to inducing change and moving toward a better future. Unfortunately, in Papua public education is unreliable and costly, not available locally, and expensive; many families cannot afford to send their children to school. We try to fill that gap by offering in-community alternative education classes and by sponsoring the education of a number of children in out focus communities, paying for part or all of their middle and high school public education.
Childrens' alternative education classes, Kapatcol (left) and Syoubrig (right)
Volunteer Sponsorships
We sponsor volunteers with an interest in helping the people and forests of Papua, providing them with financial and logistical support to help us with our mission. We are always seeking new volunteers to help with English language training, community empowerment, hospitality training, arts and crafts training and any other skills which would help them become more successful ecovillage. Please contact us if you would like to become a volunteer!
Volunteer Leader, Community Self-Assessment Workshop, Syoubrig
COVID-19 Relief
The COVID-19 pandemic has been especially hard for people involved in tourism. Without the income made possible through ecotourism, the local communities in Papua are forced to rely more heavily on their natural resources to provide food and supplies, through hunting wildlife, logging trees to sell for timber, and clearing forest to plant gardens. To help offset these pressures, we have been sending donations of staple supplies (rice, cooking oil, noodles, sugar, flour, canned meats, coffee and tea) to community members with whom we work.